Coach: Tara Lea
Location : Durham Region
Years Of Experience: 8 (2013 -2021)
Certifications/Contest History:
Fitness competitor since 2013.
Recent Standings:
-2016 International Arnold Amateur Master Figure 4th place winner
-2016 Toronto Championships Master Figure Gold and Overall Champion
-2017 World PF Olympics Figure Double Gold Medallist
-2019 National Grandmaster Figure Gold Medalist and Overall Grandmaster Figure Champion
What got me into fitness?
I have always been athletic however later in life and after having my three children I was inspired to take fitness more seriously to address health issues. Through this journey I set a goal to compete in the fitness industry and fell in love with the lifestyle and benefits to work life balance and overall health and wellness.
What does fitness mean to me?
To me fitness is a key component to both mental and physical health. I view fitness as a personal investment into ones self that keeps mind , body and soul in check.
Favourite Quote:
“As you think, so shall you become.”
-Bruce Lee