Coach: Adam Headland
Coach Bio: Adam Headland
I started training at 37 because I got a free gym membership through work. I was just messing around at first but made good progress and as I started reading Flex, Musclemag and Muscular Development, I became a fan of bodybuilding and got more serious about it. I competed for the first time in 2005 at 40 and really liked the way it gave more focus to my diet and training. In 2010 Sean Tierney asked me to help him with his contest prep. We became good friends and when he formed Team T-Rex he brought me onboard as a coach. Coaching people with T-Rex is very rewarding. Helping Anya Ells go from not placing at a regional show to winning the Arnold Amateurs and her IFBB Pro card stands out in my mind, as does helping Setanta Carroll and Sue Ling Yip win theirs. But results are always secondary – the goal is to bring every client in at their all-time best.
Location Mississauga, ON, Canada
Where he competes OPA, CBBF
Athletic Resume– Competing since 2005
– 3 Overall wins
– 7 Class wins
– Ontario Master’s champ 2010 and 2014
– Top 4, 5 and top 6 finishes at nationals.